Virgo - Integrating Matter and Spirit

by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. - Issue #185, August 23, 2011
Planetary Alignments
Integrating Matter and Spirit

This issue is about integrating matter and spirit, and resolving their apparent separation. This is the main challenge and lesson of Pisces/Virgo polarities. The Virgo archetype is about the birth and evolution of Sprit into physical form. With Pluto in Capricorn until 2024, we are experiencing serious challenges related to all aspects of physical reality. We must experience the oneness of Spirit and Earth to:

  1. meet our personal and collective challenges,
  2. make the paradigm shift from fear to love, as we move into the Aquarian age, and
  3. serve as grounding rods to anchor the frequencies of love into Mother Earth.

Working with the energies and lessons of the Earth element makes it possible for us to be human vessels of love. The principles from the path of the Tao (which synthesizes the concepts of the Pisces and Virgo archetypes), help us synergize physical and non-physical realities so that we can achieve peace and love.

Virgo and Pisces Polarities

The most important question in our spiritual/life journey at this time, is how to integrate matter and spirit so that we can experience inner (and outer) peace, oneness and love. To do so, we must understand the dynamic of polarities. Every sign of the Zodiac faces its own unique (yet universal) issues, which must be resolved in order to access our power and potential. The primary challenges of each sign are symbolized by the relationship between the opposite or polarity Zodiac sign.

Virgo and Pisces are each other's polarities. The two signs in polarity find resolution to their archetypal challenges only by integrating firstly the energies, secondly the qualities, and thirdly the powers of their opposite sign. The Earth Mother Virgo and Sacred Pisces duality is between body and mind, finite and infinite, physical reality and non-physical reality and matter and Spirit.


To find resolution between the duality of matter and Spirit, we must understand how humans got so out of touch with Spirit, and how we can re-establish harmony within ourselves and with natural forces. I will discuss 5 points:

  1. Separate and Sacred
    Many belief systems consider matter and Spirit as separate and in conflict. One reason is because we have lost our personal experiential connection with Spirit. In the dense frequency of physical reality, Spirit appears to us as a separate reality. Instead of perceiving physical reality as simply a denser form of existence, it has been categorized as not only different, but also of less value and not sacred.
  2. The Universal Dynamics of Polarities
    The Universe operates through the dynamic of polarities, which obviously exist in pairs. By their very nature, polarities express what we call opposites. However, polarities are actually complements - they work together, and they are inseparable. Where we find one, we find the other.

    The Universe is made up of two polarities. One polarity is fixed. The fixed polarity sets the rules of operation or natural, universal laws that govern all reality. This includes the law of cause and effect (karma). The other polarity is the evolutionary force of constant expansion and change.

    In the Universe, polarities are not a problem. Their interactive dynamic is the way things work. The fixed polarity creates the universal fabric and holds everything together, while the force of change continually creates expansion and evolution.
  3. Redefining Sacred
    When human belief systems separated matter from Spirit, they defined Spirit according to the fixed polarity. In the process, humans degraded the status of physical reality. The evolutionary polarity got denigrated and excluded from the Divine equation. The Earth, physical reality and the Mother were no longer included in the definition of Sacred. Father (HE) or fixed polarity (the rules) became exclusively associated with the Divine. The Mother, physical reality and the evolutionary flowing force got deleted from the Divine equation.
  4. Resolution in Sacred
    The reality is that both Father/fixed and Mother/evolutionary are, together, the underpinning dynamics of both physical and non-physical worlds, which are different manifestations of one reality. The resolution of the matter/Spirit schism is possible only when we actually perceive everything as sacred - when we experience everything as part of the Divine Plan or Play. Our inner and outer conflict can end only when:
    1. we embrace the evolutionary flow of creation without resistance and exclusion, and
    2. play by natural and universal laws.
  5. Resolution in Our Body with Mother Earth
    We witness the non-physical aspect of the Divine in our neutral mind, where we experience the fixed qualities of stability, silence and peace. However, an authentic experience of 'the Father' or fixed archetype is not enough. In order to end our existential conflict,
    1. we must give value to Mother Earth, our human experience and physical life,
    2. we must experience the archetype of the Mother as Sacred,
    3. we must experience the Divine in our body, and
    4. we must experience our body as a sacred vessel.

The apparent separation of universal polarities can be resolved when we experience the Divine as including the flowing, comforting presence of the Mother. When the flowing aliveness aspect of the Divine enters our psyche - our consciousness - through our emotional and physical bodies (not just in our mind), we can experience Oneness and our inner conflict can be resolved.

The Tao

The philosophy of Tao expresses the integration of the Pisces and the Earth Mother Virgo archetypes. The Tao:

  1. acknowledges both universal polarities as part of the Divine or Sacred, and
  2. it asserts that natural harmony exists between heaven and earth - physical and non-physical realities - matter and spirit.

The Tao refers to 'the Way' or the Force that operates through all existence - heaven and Earth. According to Lao-tzu, the father of Taoism, this Force has two components:

  1. Evolutionary Flow
    The Tao cannot be described by word, ie. it is not an intellectual concept that can simply be understood. We can find harmony and oneness with the universal flow:
    1. by feeling the universal Force flow through our bodies, and
    2. by developing an intimate relationship with the unfoldment of activities in our everyday life.
  2. Fixed Laws of Nature
    We experience this harmony, not by following man-made rules, but by following the laws of nature. Natural universal laws regulate the rotation of the planets, the activities of animals, birds, plants, the wind, the rain and the snow - all life and activity on Planet Earth and in the cosmos.
Harmony or Disharmony

The more we interfere with the Earth's natural balance, which is governed by universal laws, the more we create disharmony in our environment and within ourselves, and the more we experience our separation from nature, Mother Earth and the Universe. Man-made environmental destruction is a result of a belief system that has no respect or love for the Divine Mother... And the 'Father' (degraded to the patriarchy) makes his own rules!

Everything and everybody has its own nature encoded within it. When we violate, manipulate or try to control from our ego point of view of what is right, or out of greed, we create problems. Arbitrary human rules imposed from the outside inevitably create inner and outer conflict, struggle and disharmony.

The Tao and Our Human Experience

The Taoist philosophy explains the essence of the Earth Mother Virgo archetype. Our human experience is about learning valuable lessons. Our most basic lesson is learning how to live according to universal/natural laws. So, instead of trying to escape the physical world, we should embrace our physical life, and our bodies, as sacred vessels of the Tao (Love).

The essence of Taoism (and the Virgo archetype) is to work with, learn from and appreciate whatever happens in everyday life. Living in harmony with natural laws results in happiness. Life becomes sweet:

  1. when we work in harmony with life's challenges and tests,
  2. when we change a negative into a positive, and
  3. when we stop interfering and resisting.

We know we have reached the state of Tao consciousness when a serene smile glows on our face. We laugh quietly and enjoy a subtle sense of cosmic humor.

Resolution in Higher Consciousness

To experience oneness of matter and spirit, we must expand our consciousness and give ourselves a new perception of reality.

In our awakened neutral mind, we perceive reality beyond the level of conflict. We find the place of peace where conflict does not exist. Our inner conflict is resolved, because we no longer operate from our conflictual dualistic mind channel.

We must also experience oneness with the Tao in our physical and emotional bodies. We must be able to relax and flow with the natural universal forces.

I strongly suggest getting a copy of the small book Tao Te Ching and reading from it every day.

First, Second and Seventh Chakras

Although integrating finite and infinite can seem to be the most challenging of all polarities, when we experience the two energies in our body it all feels so natural ... and it feels good. Our physical experience is upgraded significantly when we enjoy being in our bodies! Our task is to work with the first, second and seventh chakras, to do Kundalini Yoga for both grounding and to strengthen our nervous system to hold higher frequencies in our body.

Mind/Body/Spirit integration comes through our relationship with the first, second and 7th chakras. We feel anxious, insecure, worried and fearful:

  1. when we are not grounded or connected in our body, and with Mother Earth (1st chakra)
  2. when we cannot relax, let go and surrender to the flow, and
  3. when we are not connected to Spirit (7th chakra)

In our first chakra we connect with our body and the Earth. We must feel rooted at the first chakra (base of spine, legs and feet) to feel safe in the physical world and comfortable in our bodies.

At our second chakra we connect with the Tao, as it flows through and animates our being and all physical reality. With a stable rooted base at our first chakra, it is possible to relax and enjoy the flow of energy and prana through our body.

In our seventh chakra we connect with the stable, fixed qualities of Spirit.

Together, the first and seventh chakras help us develop a deep sense of security and trust. Both make it possible to be present in the moment, as we allow the flow of existence. (second chakra).

We must experience a personal connection with both universal energies, to be able to trust the Infinite unknown force - a power greater than ourselves. In synergy, we witness the miracle of manifestation in physical reality.

Sexuality and Spirituality 2nd Edition by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.

Sexuality and Spirituality by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. introduces another revolutionary concept to spiritual practice. Instead of avoiding sexuality, Yogi Bhajan taught us how to spiritualize sexual energy so that we can enjoy more depth and pleasure in sacred sexual union.

• New (2018) revised and expanded 2nd edition

• Over 100 Yoga Sets & Meditations

• 200 information-packed pages

• Raise your Kundalini

• Increase Sexual Potency & Nerve Strength

• Beautifully & Clearly Illustrated

Kundalini Yoga - Grounding and the Essence of Spirit

Effortlessly open yourself to experience the comforting and supportive energy and essence of Spirit through Whistle Breath Pranayama, which awakens the crown chakra.

Maa Sex Meditation on page 153 of Sexuality and Spirituality, 2nd Edition awakens the Divine Feminine.

The Kriyas for Skull and Pelvic Bone Adjustment on pages 70-73 of Relax and Renew 2nd Edition are excellent for grounding.

Here are some directives to guide your practice:

Virgo Classes - Guru Rattana Online

There are some great Virgo classes to be found on Guru Rattana Online. Under the Earth lessons you will find "Dealing with Physical Reality" and "Virgo and Perfectionism", and more!

If you haven't already subscribed, you will need to do so to watch these classes. For a low monthly rate you can enjoy unlimited access to all my classes.


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