Taurus Lessons - Prosperity, Creation & Magnetism

by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. - Issue #147 - April 24, 2008

This issue discusses the qualities, path and lessons of the Taurus archetype. If you are interested in discovering the relationship between desire, pleasure, contentment, using your creative potential, financial security, abundance and prosperity, and the art of manifestation, this issue is for you. The last section offers directives to use during your practice of Kundalini Yoga and meditation to cultivate magnetism, and to activate and direct your creative urges.

Planetary Alignments

The month of Taurus is the time:

  1. to pay special attention to our earthly affairs,
  2. to examine the state of our resources,
  3. to put our material lives in order, and
  4. to pay attention to the quality of our lives.
Scorpio Full Moons - April 20th and May 19th

There are two successive Full Moons in Scorpio. Two consecutive Full Moons in the same sign significantly increase the impact of the energies, and add an extra emphasis to the lessons we are supposed to learn. Sparring off with Taurus, these Scorpio Full Moons illuminate where we have discontent, and where we seek to find more satisfaction. Taurus, the first earth sign, quests for security and stability, desires sensual enjoyment, and works for a creative and productive relationship with the material world. Scorpio points out where we have to transform our consciousness, to achieve both inner and outer security and quality in our lives.

Taurus and Scorpio are the resource axis. They work together to help us understand what we want, and what we have to do (or not do) to get it. Between these Full Moons we need to commit to change what needs to be transformed - within and without. We can figure this out by reviewing our values, identifying our deepest desires, and defining our highest priorities. When we listen to and follow our heart we can live our truth.

Taurus New Moon - May 5th

The Taurus New Moon is the first of five SuperMoons this year. The term SuperMoon refers to a new or full Moon that occurs when the Moon is closest in its orbit to the Earth. The closer the Moon is to the Earth the more intense the gravitational pulls both in water and on land. We humans feel an increase in the intensity of our emotions.

For several weeks we will feel the benefits of a Grand Trine in Earth. Saturn in Virgo, Jupiter in Capricorn and the Sun and Moon in Taurus form a triangular relationship with each other. Grand trines reduce resistance and allow for more flow of energy. Practically, what we put energy into yields results.

It is important to take action at this time. First, the trine energies facilitate forward movement and progress. Second, we are given a break from the downside of Earth, which is fixation with the status quo and stuckness. Third, what worked before is no longer operable. We can't do business as usual.

Saturn goes direct May 2nd at 1° Virgo. This is a major green light to move forward.

Jupiter goes retrograde May 9th (through September 7th). Jupiter in Capricorn instructs us to play by the rules, set realistic goals and take practical action. Both Mercury and Neptune go retrograde May 26th.


Earth energy can help us relax, but too much earth energy can make us lethargic and even sleepy. I have talked to numerous people in the last few days who are experiencing an unusual heaviness and sleepiness. The grand trine in Earth can be part of this energetic experience. Also, as Saturn slows down to stationary before it goes direct May 2nd, its influence is augmented. Saturn's heavy hand is now in earthy Virgo. Monitor how you feel after Saturn goes direct and during this time of Taurus, especially at the Taurus New Moon. For sure, we will all feel more lively when the Sun enters Gemini May 20th.

My best advice is to flow with the energies. If you feel tired, rest, don't push yourself. If you need more fire, exercise, do Kundalini Yoga and breath of fire. Energies change all the time.

Taurus Interests and Priorities

Our culture is obsessed with the issues and interests of the Taurus archetype - work, money, possessions, sexuality, sensuality and pleasure.
The Taurus Bull symbolizes the auspicious things in life - security, ease and comfort, wealth, and vitality.
Taurus priorities are - financial security, physical comfort and sensual enjoyment.

To have What We Want

The Taurus archetype symbolizes our relationship with wealth, resources, material objects, our body and the physical world. Taurus is willing to work to achieve and maintain a secure, stable, material lifestyle, but the Taurus archetype is not just about working hard and earning money so we can buy what we want.

To have what we want and VALUE, we must:

  1. activate and use our creative potential,
  2. develop our unique competency in the physical realm,
  3. establish our connection with the physical environment,
  4. cultivate a feeling of abundance within ourselves, and
  5. honor ourselves with a solid sense of personal self-worth.

The Taurus archetype is about how we use our creative energy and direct our creative urge. It is about the manifestation process. The Bull's sensual, earthy, passionate nature, and urge to create that makes manifestation possible.

The Taurus Path

The Taurus path seeks to enjoy the peace of mind, and the emotional serenity, that material security and physical pleasures afford. The Taurus path is not about solitude and retreat from the physical world.

It is a Taurus life lesson to learn how to maneuver in the physical world. So Taurus is not going to relate to talk about transcending the physical world and the evils of money. It is the Taurus path to be preoccupied with prosperity and abundance. Taurus needs to figure out how spiritual laws apply to the physical world, and to learn how to function effectively there.

The Taurus path involves learning about the laws of manifestation and the laws of attraction. It also includes being available to witness and enjoy Spirit as it animates life on the planet. The Taurus path requires:

  1. being grounded in the body,
  2. operating effectively in the physical world,
  3. being able to manifest and manage the resources to take care of ourselves,
  4. experiencing Spirit in our daily lives, and
  5. attuning to and appreciating the beauty and sacredness of nature.
What Taurus Wants

Immature Taurus can be greedy, and too preoccupied with making and accumulating money and things. As Taurus matures, it finds out that what it is questing for is A FEELING of SECURITY, SUFFICIENCY and ABUNDANCE.

Taurus is fascinated with money and finance, likes owning property and a home, feels fulfilled being a provider, and enjoys the pleasures of the physical world. But to cultivate THE FEELING, Taurus needs to learn:

  1. to enjoy, not just be obsessed with the money game,
  2. to establish a secure financial base and use it to take care of ourselves,
  3. to overcome worries of not having enough,
  4. to let go of anxiety about loss and
  5. to enjoy and appreciate the wealth that it has.
Characteristics of the Fixed Signs

Taurus is one of the four fixed signs. The others are Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius.

The Powers of the Fixed Signs include:

  1. Concentration and focus,
  2. Abundant life force, stamina, and perseverance, and
  3. Interest in mundane and worldly affairs.

The Problems of the Fixed Signs include:

  1. Inertia,
  2. Taking the material world too seriously,
  3. Attachment, and
  4. Possessiveness
The Creative Urge and Satisfaction

Taurus represents the second stage of our human development, which is about the activation and use of creative energy. Taurus is motivated by a deep inner urge to be creative, and to be part of the evolutionary process. Our Taurus energy is eager to express itself, and must immerse itself in the physical world and the process of manifestation to do so.

Taurus must build and be involved in some creative project to feel satisfied. Inner peace is elusive if we are not working with our favorite tools and producing something - music, art, crafts, physical structures, or financial, construction or spiritual projects.

Engaged in the creative process, we attune and utilize our inner creative fire. The more we use our fire energy creatively, the less likely that this emotional fire will erupt and disrupt our lives. Taurus needs to be very aware of the volcanic nature of its emotions. They lie deep within, not on the surface as with the water signs, but if Taurus is not expressing its creative energy productively, this energy will awaken us to this unacceptable state of affairs.

The Taurus Modus Operandi - Magnetism

Aries and Taurus have radically different temperaments and modes of expression.

Taurus lacks the active, fiery drive of Aries. Taurus is more comfort-loving, content, and desirous of security. Aries is simply happy to be alive. Its goals are often vaguely defined, and its passion not always purposefully directed.

Taurus needs a specific goal and an object toward which its energy is directed. The Bull is physically strong, and will work diligently until it achieves the desired result, but DESIRE is stronger in Taurus than the urge to take action.

Taurus is feminine, earthy and a fixed sign. It has its own creative nature. Its feminine nature is passive, available, full of potential, bubbling with desire, and emotional. Its desire energy is downward, toward the earth. The Bull contains vital sexual energy, which is available for manifestation and procreation.

Taurus energy is magnetic. The symbiotic relationship between Taurus and the natural environment greatly enhances its magnetic and creative capacity. The earthy Bull embodies the forces of attraction and repulsion, which produce intense feelings in our desire body. It is powerfully drawn to sensuality, sexuality, materiality, and the enjoyment of the pleasures of life.(1)

Venus and Divine Manifestation

Venus is the ruler of Taurus. Lucky Taurus! Venus represents our desire nature and the universal principle of attraction, which produces our human sensual, sexual, passionate and creative impulses.

Venus is linked with the divine manifestation principle, and the downflow of spiritual energy towards the Earth. The downward movement produces sexual attraction, sensual urges, the desire to love and be loved, and the urge to create and manifest.(2)

Venus infuses us with passion, and sparks our creative urge. Its impulse activates, within each of us, our role in the Divine evolutionary plan on the physical plane. It directs our creative activities to constructive and purposeful activities.

Spirit expresses through us, with the objective of externalizing the latent faculties of our being. We follow our destiny path when we are engaged in divinely inspired creative endeavors. We can attain a level of contentment once our creative urge is appropriately focused and one-pointed.

Taurus and Venus teach us that, to be satisfied, we must be involved in the evolutionary release of Spirit that is hidden in physical form. Taurus represents the potential and the readiness to awaken to, and enjoy, Spirit expressing itself on the physical plane.

Right Livelihood and Work

The Bull is disinterested in everything that does not concern it. It does not like to waste energy, and must purposefully direct its creative energy. Directed to a well-chosen goal, the Bull has immense strength and vitality. Its desire must be aroused, but once it is, it goes after it with all its power.

The Bull teaches us that right livelihood and work is a creative act, not punishment. Humans NEED to feel useful, and to contribute to the lives of others, and to our community. We NEED to be involved in creative projects, and to accomplish something tangible and useful.

We achieve a sense of satisfaction not only through money earned, but also though the skills that we master, the services that we offer, the creations that we complete and the contributions that we make.

Relax and Renew, 2nd Edition, by Guru Rattana, Ph.D.

Relax and Renew by Guru Rattana, Ph.D. takes stress reduction to the level of spiritual resolution. The techniques offered in this book don't just cover up the symptoms, they completely cure the problem!

• New, fully revised and expanded 2nd Edition

• Over 100 Yoga Sets & Meditations

• 240 information-packed pages

• Relax & Release stress in 2-11 minutes

• Rejuvenate your Body

Kundalini Yoga - Cultivating Magnetism

The secrets of the laws of attraction, success and happiness are hidden inside each human being. YOUR special formula is encoded in your body, mind, emotions, breath and soul. The practice of the ancient technology of Kundalini Yoga makes it possible to decode and activate YOUR unique formula. For best results, practice with the intention of awakening to your special mode, and to activating and directing your creative fire.

You can use the following directives with any Kundalini Yoga kriya or meditation. However, the now classic prosperity kriya is the "Opportunity and Green Energy Set" which is in my manuals - Transitions to a Heart Ccntered World 2nd Edition (pp. 124-125) and Relex and Renew 2nd Edition, (pp. 118-119).

There are a lot of prosperity meditations. In addition to the HARI HARI HARI HAR meditation included in the above set, try the one on page 165 of Transitions to a Heart Centered World 2nd Edition.

Directives for Your Practice

Between exercises focus your attention on the following. Pick one point to focus on at a time. Moving through these areas of attention during the set is one way to progressively work with your energy:

  1. Feel the fire of desire within your being.
  2. Feel your desire energy radiate as magnetism.
  3. Feel the Mother, feminine nature of your body and the Earth.
  4. Allow yourself to receive the Divine flow of energy into your body.
  5. Contain this energy so that it is available for your creative endeavors.
  6. Be receptive to cooperating with universal forces.
  7. Be willing to the work that it takes to accomplish your tasks.

Sat Nam!

References and Footnotes

"Scorpio Full Moon - April 20, Taurus New Moon - May 5, Scorpion Full Moon - May 19-20", Austin, Stephanie, The Mountain Astrologer, Issue #138, April/May 2008, pp. 104-06.

"Fundamentals of Vedic Astrology", Behari, Bepin, Lotus Press, 2003.

"Myths and Symbols of Vedic Astrology", Behari, Bepin, Sagar Publications, 2003.

"Archetypes of the Zodiac", Burt, Kathleen, Llewellyn Publications, St. Paul, 2002.

"The Astrology of Fate", Greene, Liz, Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, Maine, 1984.

"Saturn: A New Look at an Old Devil", Greene, Liz, Samuel Weiser, 1976.

1. Behari, Fundamentals, p. 45.
2. Behari, Fundamentals, p. 95.


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